
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiatives

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement

Department of Psychological Science and Counseling's DEI work

APA's Inclusive Language Guidelines

APA Guidelines on Race and Ethnicity in Psychology

Recent Departmental DEI-related Highlights

  • 南卡罗来纳州弗瑞波J. A., & 吉布森,E. M. (2022年11月3日至5日). Program practices for cultivating  antiracist counselors.[圆桌会议]. Southern Association for Counselor  Education and Supervision Conference, Baltimore, 医学博士,美国. http://www.saces.org/conference-2022 
  • 吉布森,E. M., & 南卡罗来纳州弗瑞波J. A. (2022). Program practices for cultivating antiracist counselors.  在K. 约翰逊,N. Sparkman-Key,. 台面式晶体管, & S. 塔沃(Eds.), Developing Anti-Racist  Practices in the Helping Professions: Inclusive Theory, Pedagogy, 和应用程序 (pp. 197-224). 帕尔格雷夫麦克米伦. http://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-95451-2_11 
  • Sheahan C. L., 异食癖,E., 汤普森,我.E., Vettese, A., & Pozzulo J. (2022). The influence of  Indigenous identity and gender in perceptions of behaviour in response to racialized  police communication. 种族和社会问题. http://doi.org/10.1007/s12552-022-09363-6  
  • 桑德斯,一.M.F. (联合主席),休尔斯曼,T. (联合主席),Pool, G. J. (联合主席),艾弗森,n.n.,雷诺 Kueny C.纽约州斯库得利(Scuderi.Shahani-Denning, C. (2022年4月). If the shoe fits: Empowering students to strategically select an I-O graduate program (面板). Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Conference, Seattle, WA. 
  • Shatto E. (2022年3月29日). Understanding Neurodiversity: A Suicide Prevention Imperative. (主题). Autism Awareness Form, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN.
  • M.S. Counseling Clinical Mental Health Practicum and Internship courses and the 365bet Latino Community Resource Center have an ongoing partnership to provide mental health awareness and pscyhoeducation 给我们的拉丁裔学生.
  • The Department of Psychological Science was awarded a $50,000 grant from the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) for Student, 订婚, Retention and Success (SERS) for fiscal 2022年. The goal of the grant is to help offset research, conference travel, or internship/field experience expenses for students of color, low-income, or disability. 学生 must have made a grade of A or B in both PSYC 2010 Stats and PSYC 3180 Research Methods. 学生 that earn a C in one of the classes may also be considered. 该基金由Dr. Brian Hock (PI), and supported by Drs. Kimberly Coggins, Eva Gibson, Kevin Harris, Emily Pica, and Kymmalett Ross, M.S. 
  • Dr. Adriane米.F. Sanders is serving as the Editor of The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist (提示)(2022-2025年). She has selected five editorial board members who represent diverse backgrounds, some of whom also conduct research on DEI-related issues in the workplace. With this editorial board, Dr. Sanders as developed a vision for the publication which centers the promotion of DEI knowledge, research, and practice in the broadest sense. Their priority is to increase the representation of voices, experiences, and I-O content across race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, neurodiversity, disability, and other minoritized groups. They also recognize the need to increase representation of the individuals who are training, practicing, and teaching I-O through alternative 路径(我.e., training/career experiences that are non linear, non doctoral, and non 终身教授). Dr. 桑德斯想要 提示 to become known as an official and consistent voice of the anti-racist movement in the field of Industrial-Organizational Psychology. 
  • Dr. Erynne H. Shatto together with the members of her STRETCH translational research lab has been providing clinical and research services to minoritized populations. In March 2022, her team will present research on three projects. 两个项目重点 on work with an urban school in an area of concentrated poverty that is over 90% comprised of African American and Latino students where children routinely grapple with housing insecurity, food scarcity, and neighborhood violence. We will be presenting work on methods of utilizing teacher reports to identify those in need of trauma specific assessment and of an implementation of Teacher-Child Interaction Therapy to foster positive behavior management practices and enhance teacher-child relationships at this school in which 46% of children qualify for PTSD.  The third presentation focuses on a pilot implementation of full scale DBT for autistic teens or the “Neurodiversity Affirming DBT-Multifamily” project. The STRETCH lab is also currently engaged in partnerships with Safe House to provide evidence based mental health services to parents and children affected by intimate partner violence. 家庭 utilizing these services are typically disproportionately those who hold one or more minority statuses. 我们希望 learn about the unique parenting needs of women impacted by partner violence. 最后, the lab is partnered with organizations to support autistic individuals. 我们提供 neurodiversity affirming consultation to Advanced Behavioral Consultants and the Full 谱学习程序. 今年春天,博士. Shatto has been invited as a keynote speaker for an event sponsored by Advocates for Autism.