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安排我: 海洛因,LSD,贝约特,美斯卡灵,裸盖菇素(蘑菇),其他致幻剂,甲喹酮 (安眠酮),苯环利定(PCP)和丙二醛 

健康风险: Psychologically and physically addictive; depression, withdrawal symptoms, convulsions, death, unpredictable behavior with hallucinogens; 可能对未出生的胎儿造成伤害.

计划2: 吗啡、杜冷丁、可待因、羟考酮、羟考酮、芬太尼、地劳地、西康、尼布妥、 可卡因、安非他明及其他鸦片、鸦片提取物及麻醉品.
健康风险: Psychologically and physically addictive; withdraws symptoms, convulsions, respiratory failure, frequent accidents; 可能对未出生的胎儿造成伤害; death; cocaine and amphetamines increase blood pressure which can lead to irregular heartbeat and death; amphetamines 会不会引起躁动、体温升高、幻觉、抽搐,可能吗 death.

第三计划: 某些巴比妥类药物如阿莫巴比妥和含有可待因的药物如 Fiorinal #3, Doriden, Tylenol #3, imperiin #3,以及基于可待因的止咳药 比如Tussionex和Hycomine以及所有的合成代谢类固醇.
健康风险: Psychologically and physically addictive; potential liver damage, nausea and vomiting; 头晕,迷失方向,呼吸急促,皮肤又冷又湿,可能会昏迷 death; withdrawal symptoms--anxiety, tremors, insomnia, convulsion;

计划4: 巴比妥类药物,麻醉剂和兴奋剂,包括安定,塔尔温,安定, Darvon, Darvocet, Placidyl, Tranzene, Serax, Ionamin(黄色夹克).
健康风险: Psychologically and physically addictive; drowsiness, withdrawal symptoms-tremors, abdominal and muscle cramps, insomnia, anxiety, convulsions, possible death; possible 对未出生胎儿的伤害.

安排V: 含有少量可待因、二氢可待因、乙基吗啡、 鸦片和阿托品,如含可待因和罗比托辛AC的水合特品.
健康风险: Psychologically and physically addictive; nausea, gastrointestinal symptoms, drowsiness, 戒断症状——流鼻涕、流泪、恐慌、发冷、痉挛、易怒 nausea; 可能对未出生的胎儿造成伤害.

安排六世: 大麻,四氢大麻酚,大麻,大麻油,四氢大麻酚.
健康风险: Psychologically addictive; increased risk of lung cancer, bronchitis, and emphysema; contributes to heart disease, fatigue, paranoia, possible psychosis; withdrawal symptoms insomnia, hyperactivity and decreased appetite; depression of the immune system; decrease 男性的精子数量和女性的不规则排卵.

酒精的种类: 非强化葡萄酒是指酒精含量不超过17%的葡萄酒. 麦芽啤酒,1%的麦芽饮料 啤酒的酒精含量是1%到6%吗. 强化葡萄酒是指酒精含量不超过24%的葡萄酒. 烈酒是蒸馏过的烈酒或乙醇,包括葡萄酒的烈酒, 威士忌、朗姆酒、白兰地、杜松子酒等. 混合饮料是全部或部分混合而成的饮料 烈性酒.
健康风险: Psychologically and physically addictive; respiratory depression; depression of the immune system; increase risk of heart disease, cancer, accidents, hypertension; brain damage; liver damage; damage to the unborn fetus; impotence at high dosage levels.